45-49 Years old free Health Check
The doctors at East Keilor Clinic are experienced in all areas of women’s health. There are two female GPs practicing at East Keilor Clinic if our female patients prefer to be seen by a female doctor. We focus on offering preventative health advice to achieve and maintain optimal health. We highly recommend women to have regular check-ups with their doctor to ensure all screening is up to date.
Some of the more common women’s health issues the doctors can help with include:
Why do you need to get a 45-49 year old health check?
Between the ages of 45 and 49 years old is when, statistically, you have a good chance of showing signs of the development of chronic disease. Unfortunately chronic diseases can have a significant impact on your health and well-being later in life. Your GP may make recommendations to help you avoid health problems later in life.
If you haven’t been particularly conscious of your health in the past, then this health check is crucial. For people who display risk factors for developing chronic disease, a 45-49 year old health check is even more important. Some risk factors that may lead to the development of chronic illness include:
- Your family history – if others in your family have developed chronic diseases, this may increase your chances of doing so.
- Biomedical factors – if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or are overweight, your risk of developing a chronic disease may be increased. A health check can help identify these risk factors.
- Your lifestyle – if you are a smoker, are sedentary, drink excessively or have poor dietary habits. Your risks of developing a chronic disease such as diabetes or heart disease is likely to be higher.
If you believe that you fit into any of the above risk categories, speak to your GP today. You can make changes to prevent the development of chronic medical conditions or exacerbating any existing illnesses.
What’s involved in a 45-49 year old health check?
Our health assessments are a comprehensive and full health check of your general overall physical and mental health.
A mental health assessment and physical examination and health assessment is vital to identifying and preventing the onset of any chronic illness. These checks include a thorough examination of your diet, exercise, family history, and the review of any medication you may be taking. It may also include immunisations, type 2 diabetes risk evaluation tests and/or screening tests considered necessary for your age and/or health history.
Other components of the health assessment may include:
- Undertaking interventions and referrals where clinically needed;
- Delivering advice and information, including strategies to help improve a patient’s lifestyle and behavioural patterns;
- Write and record the health assessment, and provide the patient with a written copy of the health assessment underlying the recommendations covered in the appointment; and
- If the patient is accompanied by a carer or guardian, a copy of the report or extracts of the report relevant to the carer or guardian.
This assessment is designed to detect, delay or prevent the current state or development of chronic health conditions.
Medicare rebate for the 45-49 year old health check:
You will be eligible for a Medicare rebate for your 45-49 year old health check. You may also be eligible for a Medicare rebate for further healthcare requirements, particularly if the outcome of your health assessment requires further management of chronic diseases.